Enterprise Code Generation


Welcome to Enterprise Code Generator.

This application will generate SQL and C# source code by querying your SQL database tables and stored procedures.

There are three distinct sections.

1. SQL Procedure Generation.

This section queries information about your sql table(s) and creates 5 predetermined stored procedures. TableNameInsert, TableNameUpdate, TableNameSelect, TableNameDelete, TableNameFind

2. C# Repository Generation.

This section queries information about your sql table AND the associated stored procedures using naming conventions to match procs to tables. This section creates the following code sections.

  • {Object Code} = A C# class that represents a sql table as a C# object. There are several depreciated sql types that are not accounted for but show obvious inline text.
  • {Mapper Code} = A C# class that maps a data reader to the corresponding C# class property.
  • {Context Code} = C# methods that handles the database call, the mapper object, and returning the object.
  • {Repository Code} = C# class that exposes the context code.

3. C# Procedure Mapper.

This section queries information about your sql stored procedure and creates the following code sections.

  • {Object Code} = A C# class that represents a sql table as a C# object. There are several depreciated sql types that are not accounted for but show obvious inline text.
  • {Mapper Code} = A C# class that maps a data reader to the corresponding C# class property.
  • {Context Code} = C# methods that handles the database call, the mapper object, and returning the object.

!!What you need to get started!!

Download this Visual Studio Project to see the intended architecture, base classes, and Microsoft Patterns and Practice libraries. This application is developed and maintained by Allan Chadwick, email address {allan at achadwick dot com}.